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法国里昂中央理工大学Liming Chen教授学术报告通知
日期:2018-03-06 点击:

        应数学与统计学院大数据分析与处理国家工程实验室邀请,法国里昂中央理工大学Liming Chen教授于2017年11月27日访问我校,访问期间与我院相关教师和研究生进行科研合作及学术交流活动,并做以下学术报告。

题 目:Visual  and Semantic Knowledge Transfer for Large Scale Semi-supervised Object  Detection (This work has been accepted by PAMI’2017)

时 间:2017年11月27日(星期一) 上午 9:00-11:00

地 点:理科楼112


报告摘要: Deep  CNN-based object detection systems have achieved remarkable success on  several large-scale object detection benchmarks. However, training such  detectors requires a large number of labeled bounding boxes, which are  more difficult to obtain than image-level annotations. Previous work  addresses this issue by transforming image-level classifiers into object  detectors. This is done by modeling the differences between the two on  categories with both image-level and bounding box annotations, and  transferring this information to convert classifiers to detectors for  categories without bounding box annotations. We improve this previous  work by incorporating knowledge about object similarities from visual  and semantic domains during the transfer process. The intuition behind  our proposed method is that visually and semantically similar categories  should exhibit more common transferable properties than dissimilar  categories, e.g. a better detector would result by transforming the  differences between a dog classifier and a dog detector onto the cat  class, than would by transforming from the violin class. Experimental  results on the challenging ILSVRC2013 detection dataset demonstrate that  each of our proposed object similarity based knowledge transfer methods  outperforms the baseline methods. We found strong evidence that visual  similarity and semantic relatedness are complementary for the task, and  when combined notably improve detection, achieving state-of-the-art  detection performance in a semi-supervised setting.

报告人简介Prof.  Liming Chen was awarded the joint B.Sc. degree in mathematics and  computer science from the University of Nantes, Nantes, France, in 1984.  He obtained the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the  University of Pierre and Marie Curie Paris 6, Paris, France, in 1986 and  1989, respectively. He first served as an Associate Professor at the  Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Compiègne, France, and then  joined Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully, France, as Professor in 1998,  where he leads an advanced research team on multimedia computing and  pattern recognition. From 2001 to 2003, he also served as Chief  Scientific Officer in a Paris-based company, Avivias, specialized in  media asset management. He has been Head of the department of  Mathematics and Computer science from 2007. Prof. Liming Chen has taken  out 3 patents, authored more than 200 publications and acted as  chairman, PC member and reviewer in a number of high profile journal and  conferences since 1995. He has been a (co)-principal investigator on a  number of research grants from EU FP programme, French research funding  bodies and local government departments. His current research interest  is computer vision and multimedia, spanning from 2-D/3-D face analysis  and recognition, image and video analysis and categorization to affect  analysis both in image audio and video. Prof. Liming Chen holds the  premium of scientific excellence attributed by the French Ministry of  Higher Education and Research since 1995.

Liming Chen教授中文简介Liming Chen教授于1984年获得法国南特大学(University of Nantes)的数学和计算机专业双学士学位。并分别与1986年和1989年获得法国皮埃尔玛丽居里巴黎六大(University of Pierre and Marie Curie Paris 6)计算机专业硕士和博士学位。之后,他首先以助理教授的身份任职于贡比涅技术大学 (Université de Technologie de Compiègne)1995年,他获得法国高等教育研究部颁发的卓越科学贡献奖。1998年他以正教授身份加入里昂中央理工大学(Ecole Centrale de Lyon),率先组建了多媒体计算和模式识别研究小组。经过多年积累,该小组在计算机视觉和多媒体处理,特别是二维和三维人脸分析和识别,基于语音、图像和视频的模式分类,情感分析等方面做出了重要学术成果。其研究获得了多项专利,发表了200多篇学术论文和专著,获得了多项欧盟和法国研究署的基金资助。此外,Chen教授担任多个高水平期刊的审稿人和会议程序委员。20012003年,他兼任巴黎Avivias公司的首席科学家,从2007年起,他担任数学与计算机学院院长。

版权所有:西安交通大学数学与数学技术研究院  设计与制作:西安交通大学数据与信息中心
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